Gnocchi di patate

Special Products

Gnocchi di patate

RAW MATERIALS: Fiocchi di patate (patate disidratate 99%, emulsionante E471, stabilizzante E450, spezie, antiossidante E304, conservante: E223 metabisolfito di sodio, aromi naturali, regolatore di acidità, E330), farina di grano tenero 100% italiano, latte in polvere, uova di gallina, sale. Allergeni presenti: grano, uova, latte.

PACKAGING: 500/2000 gr. In vaschette in atmosfera modificata. Congelati: 1000 gr. In sacchetti per alimenti trasparenti.

MODE OF CONSERVATION At a temperature of 0/+4° C

DURATION OF CONSERVATION: 24 giorni in vaschette in atmosfera modificata; una volta aperta la confezione il prodotto va consumato entro 36 ore. 180 giorni: congelati.

PRODUCT CODE: 037 – gr. 500, 095 – gr. 2000. Congelati: 30014 – gr. 500 30033 – gr. 1000

Pasta Pavoni

Pastificio Pavoni originates from one of the first egg pasta born in Italy in 1955. In 1973 Marisa Pavoni took over that business, improving its quality and authenticity over time and handing down the traditions and flavors of the past. Currently the Pastificio Pavoni is one of the typical Italian food realities that can be defined as a small, typically family-run artisan company. Thanks to the selection of raw materials, it boasts a homemade and genuine product without the addition of dyes and preservatives. Since May 1996 we have activated a self-control system of the entire production activity, and we are in possession of the CE ITA C6Z2M recognition pursuant to EC Reg. n. 853/204, for carrying out the following activity: SEC. VI MEAT PRODUCTS: PP Processing Plant